Behaviour change

Behavioural change in health refers to deliberate actions that relate to our health and well being.

This process involves adopting new positive habits or modifying existing habits to reduce the risk of illness or disease and improve overall wellbeing.

Behavior change in relation to health can relate to activity, diet, stress management, sleep and more.

We have summarised some key points of behaviour change below:

Awareness and education

Understanding the importance of various health behaviours, risks associated with unhealthy habits, and the benefits of adopting healthier choices.

Motivation and goal setting

Establishing clear, achievable health goals, finding personal motivations to make positive changes, and maintaining the determination to achieve those goals.

Self efficacy

Building confidence in one’s ability to initiate and sustain healthy behaviours, believing in one’s capability to overcome challenges, and staying committed to the change process.

Planning and organisation

Developing structured plans and strategies to integrate healthier behaviours into daily life, including setting routines, creating schedules, and organising resources.

Social support

Engaging with a supportive network of family, friends, or a community that encourages and motivates adherence to healthier behaviours.

Behavioural strategies and techniques

Employing various behaviour change techniques, such as goal reinforcement, self-monitoring, cognitive restructuring, and positive reinforcement, to facilitate and sustain health-related behavioural change.

Adaptability and flexibility

Being able to adjust health-related behaviours based on changing circumstances, preferences, or new information while still working toward health goals.

Overcoming barriers and obstacles

Recognising and addressing barriers that impede health-related behavioural change, such as time constraints, lack of resources, or psychological factors.

Maintenance and Relapse Prevention

Sustaining positive health behaviours over the long term and implementing strategies to prevent relapse into previous unhealthy habits.

Behavioural change in health and rehab is essential for managing and preventing chronic diseases, enhancing mental and emotional well-being, improving longevity, and enhancing the overall quality of life. It involves a continuous and conscious effort to adopt healthier behaviours and sustain them over time.

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