Soft Tissue Therapy is the management, manipulation, and rehabilitation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is applicable not just to sports people but to anybody wishing to guard against or recover from a soft tissue injury. You do not need to be a sports performer to benefit from Soft Tissue Therapy. The benefits can also help relieve the many day to day problems, repetitive strain injury, sprains, tension, fatigue, that everyone experiences. Many Soft Tissue Therapists work with a great range of clients in assisting with preventive treatment and injury recovery. Soft Tissue Therapy benefits may include: Improve circulation and lymphatic flow Assist in the removal of metabolic waste Sedate or stimulate nerve endings Increase or decrease muscle tone Increase or decrease muscle length Remodel scar tissue when required Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation. Have you had a soft tissue therapy session with our team at tops:health? If not and you think you would benefit then feel free to book a session via the link below. |

The Benefits of Rehab
In the pursuit of health, physical well-being is undoubtedly a cornerstone. However, injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions can pose significant