Introduction to Mindfulness – 28th March 2020

‘Introduction to mindfulness’ is a two hour workshop run by the incredibly talented Mindfulness Instructor Eliza Silk here at tops:health.

Heard of mindfulness but not sure what it is?  Would you like to give it a go and taste the benefits without committing to a course?  This is the workshop for you.  Mindfulness Instructor Eliza Silk will guide you through an introductory workshop in which you’ll:

  • learn what mindfulness is and what the benefits of practising mindfulness are
  • experience mindfulness for yourself
  • have the opportunity to ask questions and meet others who are also interested in mindfulness

A little bit more information about mindfulness for you. Mindfulness has been used as a tool to help you to understand what is going on inside and outside of yourself, moment by moment. It allows you to reconnect with your body and to be aware of your thoughts and feelings as they’re happening. It’s a really useful way of understanding what is going on around you. It will help you to appreciate the little things. It’s been known to aid with stress, anxiety and depression and is highly recommended by the NHS.

An article regarding Mindfulness on the NHS website says ‘Paying more attention to the present moment – to your own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around you – can improve your mental wellbeing.’

If the ‘Introduction to mindfulness’ workshop piques your interest, you’ll be able to consider signing up for ‘Finding Peace in a Frantic World’, an eight-week mindfulness course that Eliza will be teaching later this year.  We look forward to meeting you at the workshop.  Book your place via MindBody or for more information, please call Eliza on 07780 991 834 and she will be happy to help with any queries you have.

Keep an eye on the News section of our website or social channels like Facebook or Instagram for the latest class announcements.

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