Strong, Steady & Straight

Exercise and physical activity can improve bone strength and the associated risk of falls, which may offer benefits in the prevention and management of osteoporosis.

However, uncertainty about the types of exercise that are safe and effective means there is sometimes a lack of confidence as to what exercise people with osteoporosis should be doing.

A recent consensus statement aimed to determine the physical activity and exercise needed to optimise bone strength, reduce fall and fracture risk, and improve posture, while minimising potential risks in people with osteoporosis.

The key recommendations of this research paper stated that people with osteoporosis should undertake:

(1) Resistance and impact exercise to maximise bone strength

(2) Activities to improve strength and balance to reduce falls

(3) Spinal extension exercise to improve posture and potentially reduce risk of falls and vertebral fractures.

There are many different ways to exercise that can achieve these key recommendations and therefore the key is to do something that you will consistently continue, as well as something you enjoy.

If you want any advice regarding exercise then please do get in contact and we can see how we can assist you.

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