What to expect in your initial physiotherapy appointment

 We are happy to welcome you to your first physiotherapy appointment with us at Tops:Health. We understand that starting physiotherapy can be a new experience and we want to make sure you are happy and clear about what to expect. This information is designed to help you to understand what to expect during your visit and how to make the most out of your session. The physiotherapists at tops:health aim to improve and restore your body’s function, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall well-being using the latest evidence-based practice and research to optimise your recovery outcomes and to provide you with the best tools to support you to be your best self.

Appointment preparation:

  • Please arrive on time for your appointment to allow enough time for an effective assessment and treatment.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows your physiotherapist to examine and access the affected area easily.
  • Bring any relevant medical records, X-rays, or reports to help your physiotherapist better understand your condition.
  • We use software, called Cemplicity to track your progress and therefore we would appreciate you answering a couple of questions prior to your appointment.

When you arrive:

When you arrive to one of our clinics, you will be welcomed by a friendly member of the tops:health team. If you arrive early to your appointment you can take a seat in our waiting area until your physiotherapist will come to greet you and take you into a private clinical room. 

During the Appointment:

1: Health history assessment and chat about you:

Once you are in the clinical room with your physiotherapist, they will start the session with a chat about you, the reason for your appointment and your past medical history. This is to help the physiotherapist gain a greater understanding of the context of your problem. This enables them to carry out an effective assessment and to provide personalised treatments for you.

The physiotherapist will ask questions regarding the current problem you are experiencing, such as current symptoms, when they started, how they progressed and if there are any activities that aggravate or ease your symptoms. They will also ask about your past medical history and existing medical conditions and medications. Please be prepared to inform your physiotherapist of any medical conditions or allergies you have. Although you may feel some of your medical history is irrelevant to your physiotherapist, please be prepared to share as much as you are comfortable. This helps them to gain a greater medical picture of your situation.

Please note that the physiotherapy appointment is completely confidential and a safe space. If at any point you don’t feel comfortable sharing certain details with your physiotherapist, don’t worry. They will not push and pry into your privacy. Please also keep in mind that they will only ask questions about things they deem to be clinically relevant to your presenting condition. You are more than welcome to ask why the physiotherapist is asking any questions if you feel necessary.

Your physiotherapist will ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your session.

2: Physical examination:

Following the chat about you, your physiotherapist will explain how they will carry out a thorough physical examination of your presenting condition. They will typically assess your range of motion, strength, flexibility, posture, and any areas of pain or discomfort. They may also perform specific tests to help identify the root cause of your condition, for example, neurological tests. Your physiotherapist will clearly explain what they are doing with reasons and ensure to answer any questions you have at any point throughout the assessment.

3. Treatment plan:

Once the physical examination is complete, your physiotherapist will discuss their findings with you and provide a probable diagnosis. They will outline a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, goals, and lifestyle based on clinical evidence to optimise your rehabilitation. This plan may include exercises, manual therapy techniques, education, and other modalities to aid your recovery. The physiotherapist will run through exercises with you to ensure you are happy with the technique to ensure your safety and efficiency. Your physiotherapist will also help you to understand more about your condition, how it affects your body, and what you can do to manage and prevent future issues.  Please feel comfortable asking your physiotherapist to repeat anything or clarify anything you are uncertain about as they will be happy to help (there are no silly questions).

4. Realistic goal setting:

Together with your physiotherapist, you will establish realistic short-term and long-term goals for your treatment. Your physiotherapist will regularly assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure optimal results for you.

5. Finishing your session:

At the end of your session, you should feel you have a clear understanding of your condition, your goals, and actions to start your rehabilitation. You should feel you have the support and knowledge to make confident steps forward to commence your rehabilitation journey. Your physiotherapist will check your contact details with you to send you the necessary exercise programme for you. Depending on your condition your physiotherapist may also discuss the necessary follow-up appointments you may need to ensure the best and most effective rehabilitation plan for you and to help to support and encourage you on your rehabilitation journey. Follow-up sessions will allow your physiotherapist to track your progress, modify your treatment plan if necessary, and ensure you achieve your goals.

After your session:

Your physiotherapist will ensure that you are happy with your rehabilitation plan going forward. You will be shown back to the reception where you will be greeted by a friendly member of tops:health team to settle any payments.

Active participation:

We hope that you leave our clinic feeling motivated and inspired to get started on your rehabilitation journey with us. Please keep in mind that active participation is crucial for a successful recovery. Aim to follow your physiotherapist’s advice and adhere to your home exercise program. Feel free to communicate any concerns, questions, or changes in your condition during your treatment. Your physiotherapist and the team at tops:health will be happy to help.

Privacy & confidentiality

Your personal and medical information will be kept confidential and handled according to applicable privacy laws and regulations. Remember, the initial physiotherapy appointment is an opportunity for you and your physiotherapist to work together towards improving your health and well-being. By actively engaging in your treatment plan and openly communicating with your physiotherapist, you are taking the first steps towards a healthier and more active life.

We hope this information has helped you to know what to expect on your first visit with us at tops:health. If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to get in touch. We wish you the best on your journey to recovery and improved health!

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