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Exercise and physical activity can improve bone strength and the associated risk of falls, which may offer benefits in the prevention and management of osteoporosis. However, uncertainty about the types...

In a world of increasing technology, wearable devices can be used to track health and wellness. These devices have come a long way since the simple pedometers for step counting....

It’s that time of year! We are all familiar with the new challenges winter brings to our wellness journey. The nights draw in and the temperature drops, making it tempting...

Behavioural change in health refers to deliberate actions that relate to our health and well being. This process involves adopting new positive habits or modifying existing habits to reduce the...

In today’s sedentary lifestyle, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact that physical activity can have on our overall well-being. As physiotherapists and health experts at Tops:Health, we firmly believe...

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